05 September 2012

Upcoming Technologies and gadgets Of 2012-2013...Once You Starts Reading , Then You Can't Able To Stop Yourself..

  Are you waiting for 2013 to come soon just only for new tech gadgets realeases? You Should. I am also waiting for those days. I can't control my excitement so I mentioned here(in this post) to you just because you should also be exited about this like me.Their is many gadgets and tech stuff to be release in coming years.Read full articles (like a real technology worms , AHEM! ) of upcoming techmania year's gadgets and many more things. And don't forget to write in comment that you are excited or not.....amazed or not.....eager to buy that or not....and so on.

Full Body Scanner At US airports

In the US, a bill called the S.A.F.E.R. A.I.R. Act has been passed, making full-body scanners mandatory in airports. This machine will check the body that is their any hidden object like guns , bomb or any other weapons under the body either its armpit , between two legs or anywhere. It makes the person nude without any physical efforts. Its seem that due to some terrorist attack over U.S.A has forced them to launch this machine. Two advantages of full-body scanners over a physical strip search are that it is quicker (takes only 15 seconds) and that people do not have to physically remove their clothes. A disadvantage is that the scanners are being used to perform routine, virtual strip searches without probable cause which opponents claim are illegal unreasonable searches that violate basic human rights. Furthermore, the true long-term health effects of the active, radiating technologies are unknown. 
There is controversy over full-body scanners in some countries because the machines create images of virtual strip searches on persons under the age of 18 which may violate child pornography laws. In the UK, the scanners may be breaking the Protection of Children Act of 1978 by creating images or pseudo-images of nude children.
Parents have complained that their young children are being virtually strip searched, sometimes without their parents present.

14 nanometre chips enter mass production

The next generation of microprocessor technology is released by Intel, with transistors now based on a 14nm manufacturing process. It is energy efficiency with very good performer. For comparison, a carbon atom is 0.34nm wide. The 4GHz barrier in stock CPU is finally being passed.  14 nm resolution is difficult to achieve in a polymeric resist, even with electron beam lithography. In addition, the chemical effects of ionizing radiation also limit reliable resolution to about 30 nm, which is also achievable using current state-of-the-art immersion lithographyHardmask materials and multiple patterning will be required.
transistor size timeline intel computer chips future trend roadmap 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 moores law 22nm 16nm 14nm 11nm 10nm

Xbox 720

There are rumors everywhere about the new Xbox system: it won’t have an optical drive, all games will be downloaded digitally, it’s called the Xbox Loop, it’s called the Durango...and the list goes on. There are a few reliable rumors, however. The graphics are certainly being done by AMD, who claim that the graphic detail will be on the same level of Avatar. We can also certainly believe that the system is going to be released at E3 in 2013, as several companies working on the project have claimed. By late 2013, it is joined by the Xbox 720. These new machine offer substantial improvements in graphical power. 

Xbox 720 release date, news and rumours

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Bendy Screen Smartphone

Yes, I said bendy smartphone. Their is very big buzzing on internet about this or you might have seen conversation about this among your friends or relatives. It is true that you can now bend your smartphone screen in upcoming smartphone by Samsung. Using Samsung’s already demoed OLED display technology, I can be expecting a new phone model that will allow us to bend it, roll it up, and hit it with a hammer. (YES!) We already have the specs for this phone as well. The phone debuted as the “Galaxy Skin” (wait..did that say…skin?) features a high-res 800×480 AMOLED screen, 8mp camera and 1Gb of RAM as well as a 1.2GHz processor. Since they use AMOLED technology, power consumption is lower and there’s no tricky backlight to handle. Samsung is even going so far as to describe the displays as “unbreakable” though that seems like a promise almost guaranteed to backfire.

Fujitsu Lifebook 2013

The Fujitsu Lifebook 2013 Concept unites a laptop, tablet, phone and camera together in one device. Even if we've seen devices that come close, this concept takes the cake when it comes to multi-functionality.
The ASUS Padfone may be able to transform itself from a phone to a tablet, but the Fujitsu Lifebook 2013 takes that idea a few steps further.

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