18 August 2012

"Faceboo" is also Facebook.com

 Today when I typed faceboo.co in my browser.I was surprise a bit second.I was redirected to facebook.com.What a mistyped! May be facebook guys recognized this and bought the domain too to prevent misuse.From a layman perceptive it awesome as it reduced  my daily typing effort by one word :-).On the otherhand people who don't like facebook can hit faceboo.com and start booing it :-)

Update:- http://facebok.com/ is also "facebook" .Guess in future every url will lead to facebook just like "All roads lead to Rome"


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  3. This method is used to as the best way I think. Firefox add-on called Xoopit is designed to streamline browsing and sharing files, photos, and videos with your friends on other social networks through Google's. fb.com



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